What is The Lineup?

At the beginning of every game, a team submits their lineup. The Lineup is the list of people who are going to play in the game - a list of people who are going to MAKE AN IMPACT on the field. That is exactly how I view you - I may physically be here, but you are the people who truly make a difference on the field. Thank you for your partnership!.

You don’t have to live in a foreign country to make a global difference.

The Lineup is made up of people from all over the world who trust in the work of FMI, and the work that is going on in Belize; partners can link up with one another to make a deeper, collective impact. 

I deeply value transparency and proof. What does that mean for you? When you commit to a monthly partnership with me, you will be joining The Lineup. When you join this community you will not only be changing history but will also get to know the men, women and children you're investing in on a deeper level. We'll connect you and show exactly how funds are being used through stories and impact reports.

When you join The Lineup, your funds not only make a difference in Belize, but you get exclusive access to The Locker Room: A unique place for me to connect with my monthly partners!

Want to join my team? Join The LINE UP!

Follow the journey.

Another way to stay connected is by subscribing to my YouTube Channel. Life is full of adventure and this is just one way I get to document the memories! I love sharing these adventures with you. Click here to subscribe!